A paragraph about Tree Plantation - সাইফ ব্লগ


Friday, September 6, 2013

A paragraph about Tree Plantation

Tress are very much important for our existence. They are closely related to our life. Without trees we do not get oxygen which is very much related to the existence of  human beings as well as other animals. They are also a great source of food, vitamins and furniture.
It is a matter of sorrow that we have indiscriminately destroyed our tress which has now become a threat to the ecological balance. But now a days people are conscious about the importance of tress and the government is trying its utmost to raise the awareness of the people about this matter. As a result tree is now being planted and we observe the tree plantation day every year. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Besides our garden or home sides tress are being planted by the side of  the road and highways. Attempts should be make the programme grand success so that we can live in a better world.

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